Oral History Centre
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Soumissions récentes
Exploring Myths in Women's Narratives: Italian and German Immigrant Women in Vancouver, 1947-1961
(BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly, 1995) -
Oral History as Process-Generated Data
(GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, 2009)This article describes how to use (archived) oral histories as process-generated data. It explains how social scientists may locate and use such data in an informed way and assess the qualities of such data systematically ... -
GI Hans in Korea: Militär und Migration in der deutschen Nachkriegszeit
(Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2017)Obwohl Krieg, Militär und Migration seit Jahrhunderten eng miteinander verflochten sind, gibt es zum Thema Einwanderer im Militär noch große Forschungslücken. Meistens wird nach dem Zusammenhang von Migration und Militär ... -
History and Mystery: Students Investigate History of a German Settlement in Manitoba
(German-Canadian Studies, University of Winnipeg, 2017-08-02) -
A Canadian Family Talks About Oma’s Life in Nazi Germany: Three-Generational Interviews and Communicative Memory
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2009)This article describes, explains, and applies the three-generational interview method and the concept of communicative memory to a case study about a Canadian family. Members of three generations were interviewed, both ... -
Determined to Work? Review of Wolfgang Lehmann, Choosing to Labour
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2008) -
A Review of Rant by Chuck Palahniuk
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2009) -
Soviet Families’ Inner Lives. Review of The Whisperers. Private Life in Stalin’s Russia by Orlando Figes
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2009) -
Review of Story Bridges: A Guide to Conducting Intergenerational Oral History Projects by Angela Zusman
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2011) -
Introduction to the Review Forum on Alessandro Portelli’s They Say in Harlan County
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2011) -
Oral History in Brazil: An Interview with Antonio Montenegro
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2012) -
Oral History in Argentina: An Interview With Pablo Pozzi
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2012) -
(Canadian Oral History Association (COHA), 2012) -
Democratizing History: The Role of Oral History
(Oral History Centre, University of Winnipeg, 2016-01-05) -
Oral History and the Common Good
(Oral History Centre, University of Winnipeg, 2016-01-05) -
Canadians Do Oral History?
(Oral History Centre, University of Winnipeg, 2016-02-02) -
Disappearing Sounds
(Oral History Centre, University of Winnipeg, 2016-03-02) -
Oral History and Impostors: What To Do
(Oral History Centre, University of Winnipeg, 2017-08-11) -
Conference Report: German-American Encounters After World War II and the Holocaust. Conference at the GHI, September 26-28, 2002
(German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, 2003)Conference at the German Historical Institute, September 26–28, 2002. Conveners: Alexander Freund (GHI/AICGS/University of Winnipeg), Atina Grossmann (Cooper Union), Raimund Lammersdorf (GHI), Annette Puckhaber (GHI). ...