Browsing Department of Rhetoric, Writing and Communications by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Reading Emancipation Backwards: Laclau, Žižek and the Critique of Ideology in Emancipatory Politics
(International Journal of Žižek Studies, 2008) -
Class Struggle and Displacement: Slavoj Žižek and Film Theory
(Cultural Politics, 2009)In the following,largue against cognitivist film scholars, such as David Bordwell and Noel Carroll, for the relevance of Slavoj Žižek in the field of film criticism and theory. I argue that Žižek's work presents a wholly ... -
Youth Speak Up about Homophobia and Transphobia: The First National Climate Survey on Homophobia in Canadian Schools Phase One Report
(Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, 2009-03)Educators and researchers have long been aware that students experience homophobic incidents ranging from hearing “gay” used as a synonym for “stupid” or “worthless,” to being insulted or assaulted because of their actual ... -
Fatally Flawed? : Discursive Evidence from the Movement to Establish Lesbian Studies Programs
(Feminism and Psychology, 2010)While related areas such as Queer Studies and Sexuality Studies have become established as disciplinary formations in North American and British universities, Lesbian Studies has not. This article reports on an analysis ... -
Every Class in Every School: Final Report on the First National Climate Survey on Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia in Canadian Schools
(2011)This report discusses the results of a national survey of Canadian high school students undertaken in order to identify the forms and extent of their experiences of homophobic and transphobic incidents at school as well ... -
Between Theory and Post-Theory; or, Slavoj Žižek in Film Studies and Out
(Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 2011)Par une lecture minutieuse de son livre, The Fright of Real Tears: Krzysztof Kieslowski Between Theory and Post-Theory (2001), cet article défend la pertinence des travaux de Slavoj Žižek pour les études cinématographiques. ... -
Dialectical Materialism and the 'Feminine Sublime'
(Subjectivity, 2012)Drawing primarily on Slavoj Žižek’s Lacanian reading of Kant and Hegel, but also taking up arguments made by Joan Copjec and Fredric Jameson, this article asserts a conception of the ‘feminine sublime’ in accordance with ... -
Debt: The Sublimated Object of Capital
(Journal of Cultural Studies, 2014)In psychoanalysis, a ‘sublime object’ is one that signifies the transformation of a condition of impossibility into one of possibility. On the one hand, it represents a moment of internalized prohibition that transforms ... -
The Entrepreneurial Subject and the Objectivization of the Self in Social Media
(Duke University Press, 2015) -
Rapport final du project Chaque Prof sur l'éducation inclusive des personnes LGBTQ dans les écoles de la maternelle à la douzième année au Canada
(Manitoba Teachers’ Society, 2015)Ce rapport présente les résultats du sondage en ligne effectué dans le cadre du projet Chaque prof sur les perceptions et les expériences des éducatrices et éducateurs canadiens de la maternelle à la 12e année en matière ... -
The Every Teacher Project on LGBTQ-inclusive Education in Canada's K-12 Schools: Final Report
(Manitoba Teachers’ Society, 2015)This report presents the results of the online survey phase of the “Every Teacher Project” on Canadian K-12 educators’ perceptions and experiences of “LGBTQ-inclusive” education, including curriculum, policies, and practices ... -
Inventaire national des interventions des commissions scholaires pout soutenir le bien-être des élèves LGBTQ: Rapport Final
(Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, Université de la Colombie-Britannique, 2016)L’Inventaire national a été entrepris afin d’élaborer un tableau détaillé des formes et de l’étendue des interventions de système scolaire dans le but de soutenir le bien-être des élèves homosexuels et lesbiens, bisexuels, ... -
The National Inventory of School District Interventions in Support of LGBTQ Student Wellbeing
(Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, University of British Columbia, 2016)The National Inventory was undertaken in order to develop a detailed picture of the forms and extent of school system interventions made in support of the wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two Spirit, queer ... -
Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology
(Film Criticism, 2016-01) -
Language ideology of bilingual education policies for ethno-linguistic minorities in South Korea
(The Korean Educational Administration Society, 2016-12)Drawing from the national and regional governments’ bilingual education policy documents for the languages of ethno-linguistic minorities, we investigated the intersections between bilingual education in the languages of ... -
Morality or Enjoyment? On Althusser’s Ideological Supplement of the Law
(Mediations, 2017) -
Gender and Subversion in Medieval Icelandic Legend and Saga
(Roda da Fortuna: Revista Eletrônica sobre Antiguidade e Medievo / Electronic Journal about Antiquity and Middle Ages, 2017)The saga writers of medieval Iceland rhetorically engage with contemporary social issues in their narratives, including issues faced by women and, in particular, the treatment of women in regard to their marriages. Many ... -
Icelandic Culture and Concepts of the Æsir in Manitoba
(CSS Publications (Centre for Scandinavian Studies), 2017)The Icelandic community in Manitoba continually translates its cultural heritage into a Canadian context, a process that began in 1875 at the time of initial Icelandic settlement in the Interlake region. Like other settler ... -
Love and Sex in the Age of Capitalist Realism: On Spike Jonze’s Her
(The University of Texas Press, 2017)Spike Jonze’s Her (2013) is a film about a romantic relationship between a man and an operating system. Using a Lacanian and Žižekian psychoanalytic framework, we interpret this film in the context of what the cultural ... -
Influences of Pre-Christian Mythology and Christianity on Old Norse Poetry: A Narrative Study of Vafþrúðnismál
(Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2018)Abstract: In this study, McGillivray explores the cultural environment in which the Eddic poem Vafþrúðnismál was composed and reexamines the relationship between form and content in the poem and the respective influences ...